AmigaActive (716/1263)

From:David McMinn
Date:14 Jul 2001 at 00:16:05
Subject:Re: Workbench Colours

--- In amigactive@y..., Andy Hall <No_good@j...> wrote:

> >> described? At the moment my gadgets seem to like to change colour quite
> >> regularly.
> >
> > I'm surprised you don't run your browser in a seaparate screen, but I
> > guess it's personal preference. I found using Workbench or Scalos on
> > AGA in more than 64 colours a real PITA.
> I've tried the seperate screen thing on numerous occassions, but it just
> ends up eating up all my chip mem, and the quality of graphics seem no
> better than on my workbench.

Do you use FBlit? It doesn't always help, but it can make things a bit
faster and it certainly saves chipmem. I used to have separate screens
for WB (64 cols), V (256 cols), Blitz (4 cols), Multiview (4 cols, for docs),
and another (low number of colours) open without running out of chipmem.
I maybe had about 700k left, but thats plenty.

> > The problem (in general, not just Scalos) comes with programs that do not
> > obtain the pens through the graphics library - they just grab them,
> > change the colour to what they want and then use them. There is no way

> The thing is though, what if another app happens to be using that colour
> when they do? It seems far more sensible to just try to use the available
> colour as best you can rather than medling with them.

What can you do if they've not been written with palette sharing in mind?
If they're written poorly, they're written poorly.

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