AmigaActive (749/1263)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:14 Jul 2001 at 17:43:16
Subject:Re: Amiga & StormC

Hello Jan-Erik

On 14-Jul-01, you wrote:

>>>> I told you all. Why doesn't anyone see that H&P are effectively in
>>>> control of the entire Amiga market, much to its detriment?
> well better them than that nitpick idiot from phase5/DCE/MorphOS (laire...
> my ass).

I'd rather AMIGA were in control of the market, Jan.

>> Why do they need to push a COMMERCIAL product as the "official" one,
>> especially when it's not controlled by the company pushing the OS? You
>> can understand why Linux' "official" compiler is gcc - because it's by
>> the same bunch of people. The same for Microsoft and VisualC++.
> if you tell fsf that they are the same people as those behind linux you'll
> probably be laughed at.

GNU Compiler Collection

What's the difference?

>> Exactly. It's just an example of blatant arse-licking on Amiga's part
>> and incredibly scary amounts of manipulation on Haage & Partner's
>> front.
> ooohhh, scared are we!
> well, bye, bye then hope you like it in solitary dome (together with laire)
> morphOS has already killed Cybergraphx. (if anyone expected Amiga Inc.
> to go with Cybergraphx after his debacle with MorphOS...)

Amiga Inc. certainly did, they were still, at last asking, falling over
themselves to work with Ralph, Frank and use parts of MorphOS.

> it makes sense to get metrowerks since that means that more people will be
> familiar with how the IDE works and will therefore probably be more
> inclined to program for AmigaDE/AmigaOS instead of using plain GCC which
> would only attract the geek's :-)

And you think there are other people in the developer community than "geeks"?


Matt <>

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