AmigaActive (79/1263)

From:Richard Friend
Date:2 Jul 2001 at 20:32:58
Subject:Re: PCs and other nasty things (was Re: Re: Has anyone heard news of the new "Settlers"?)

----- Original Message -----
From: Nicholaus Darley-Jones <>
> Basically, most people haven't a clue when it comes to computers so there
> will be no difference between buying an Amiga system or a PC system. They
> would still have to learn something new no matter which choice they make.
> The only difference would be the price and the software.
Ah.......I think you'll find even the most computer stupid people wont want
to look thick when buying a new computer! After Shifty the salesman tells
them that the cpu runs at warp speed and the dvd player allows them to watch
movies, they'll ask pertinent questions like "Can I connect to the world
wide web with it?", "Will it run encarta for my kids?", "Can I use it with
my digital camera?" etc etc!
They want to know what software their friends have told them about will run
on it!
If their friends don't have Amigas what chance is there?
Any new platform has to have a killer game and some damn fine applications
'straight out of the box', never mind being compatible with what all your
mates use!
Even after the initial sale it has to be backed up with a plethora of
software easily available in the high street!
Even the most stupid punter wouldn't buy a betamax camcorder these days!
Despite the fact that they are better than VHS ones!
What chance the Amiga? The race started twenty years ago, all the current
athletes are fat and balding but they're twenty laps in front and you don't
even know if your running shoes will arrive in the next few months!!!!
Feeling confident?
The best isn't always the most popular. Try launching a betamax player or an
eight track cartridge player nowadays and see how quickly you go under!
Perhaps Amiga should drop the name to escape the blinkered view that the
rest of the world has of the '80's Commodore games machine that went bust'?
Amiga know what they're doing and I'm sure they don't expect a massive
upheaval in the computer world overnight. Convert the faithful, spread the
word. The word is fast, the word is friendly, the word is capable but the
word isn't windows so the word is unheard by the masses!

ICQ 18894975

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