AmigaActive (819/1263)

From:Nuno Berneaud
Date:16 Jul 2001 at 13:03:47
Subject:Re: I'm THROUGH with PPC!!

Hello storm

On 15-Jul-01, you wrote:

>s I've also often wondered what real benefit the ppc has been. So far
>s the only things It's been good for are: Candy Factory Pro.
>s Heretic, Shogo, Quake, Wipeout 2097 (and soon Payback ppc). Lame
>s Frogger

And NightlongPPC and Earth 2140. Without it it they are too slow.
If only they released Imagine and Photogenics PPC...

>s erm, and that's about it really. I thought iFusion would be a huge
>s boon to my system so I was one of the first to pre-order it and
>s champion it's cause. lol. That was an expensive joke (on me).
>s Saying all that though, the ppc has been very handy when I needed it
>s (mainly for Candy Factory), and I just remembered the main reason I
>s got it ... the Bvision. 'Nuff said, I couldn't have lived without the
>s gfx card over the last few years. Obviously you had other gfx card
>s options with an A4000. At least you can imitate a Mac with iFusion
>s (even if you can't print or go online or do anything externally).

The BVision was the main reason for me too, but the PPC helped in little
things like JPEG viewing, for example. With a little bit of extra
software support it might have been a true landmark.



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