AmigaActive (868/1263)

From:Ray Elf
Date:17 Jul 2001 at 17:01:51
Subject:Re: Workbench Cookbook

Hello Matt

> Hello Ray
> On 17-Jul-01, you wrote:
>>> 16 colours? Just *16*?
>>> I run AGA workbench in 256 colours, and have many 256 colour
>>> screens open at once..
>>> 16.. is.. just.. too little.. productivity.. hindered!! Clarity..
>>> draining! Cannot.. cope.. with... lack of.. defi.. nitION!! *cough
>>> choke, drops to the floor*
>> But hay, not everyone can get 256 colours :o) lucky uuuuuuu... ;o)
> Ah, you silly ECS people ;)
>> yes even in this day and age, it happens still, have a good 1
> TBH I always found that MagicTV sapped all the goodness out of the
> display - and the colour palette that it recommends (and this tutorial
> recommends) really doesn't do you any favours.
> Thanks

Eh.. That's the beauty of the Amiga you make your own preferences of what you
like, Thank god for Amigas :o) what do u say ? ;o)


Ray Elf
Planet Elf Productions
/Best Cartoons comes from an elf/

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