AmigaActive (882/1263)

Date:17 Jul 2001 at 18:40:33
Subject:Re: Workbench Cookbook

On 17-Jul-01, storm wrote:

>> 16 colours? Just *16*?
> Yup.
>> I run AGA workbench in 256 colours, and have many 256 colour
>> screens open at once..

I run my AGA Workbench in 156 colours too
> Don't you find that a tad slow then?

Nope I use FBlit. OK so one or two things may be slightly slower but not much
and not enough to go back to using a low colour WB
>> 16.. is.. just.. too little.. productivity.. hindered!! Clarity..
>> draining! Cannot.. cope.. with... lack of.. defi.. nitION!! *cough choke,
>> drops to the floor*
> /slips gasmask on. You really should get that looked at. Farting when
> stressed can't be good for you (or anyone around at the time). It's the wb
> that's 16 colours... you can still have PPaint etc running 256.

Oh damn, got to let the dog in see ya


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