AmigaActive (956/1263)

From:Wesley Potter
Date:21 Jul 2001 at 01:40:35
Subject:Re: Uninitialized partition

On 20-Jul-01 Gerald Mellor said;

> I just did something incredibly stupid,and I'm fairly sure there's
> no way back, but I just wanted to check here before abandoning all
> hope :)
> Say, for instance, someone was copying all the data on one partition
> to another one. Imagine that person then deleted the original
> partition and finally, in an inspired move, used HDToolBox to change
> the new partition's position on the drive, without thinking about the
> consequences.
> This hypothetical person then rebooted to find that his Workbench
> desktop now contained a HD6:Uninitialized drive icon...

Try to put the partitions back /*exactly*/ as they were. This will bring
back your partitions. I did something similar once and this solved the


Wesley Potter
ICQ: 34306277
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