AmigaActive (959/1263)

From:Colin Booth
Date:21 Jul 2001 at 01:25:22
Subject:Re: Image Processors - advice needed

Hello Don
In response to my message of 20- Jul-01
On 20-Jul-01, you wrote:
>On 20-Jul-01, storm wrote:
>> Photogenics. It's like Photoshop. Otherwise check out Art Department
>> Pro from H&P. although I haven't used it myself. Perfect Paint would
>> be a good partner for either of these, and it's free.
> Sorry, but Photogenics has no resemblance whatever to Photoshop. It is a
> paint program unlike any other, heavily based on one idea - painting
> Undo with the right button. It is missing essential features such as
> custom brushes needed in a general-purpose paint program. Photoshop is
> a huge collection of image-processing tools with a confusing interface.
> Art Effect is billed as an attempt at a Photoshop clone. It's not a bad
> try but has modal windows for settings, so after you change something
> you have to click back on an image window before you can make a mark.
> This is quite annoying. The program has about 1/4 of the tools found in
> Photoshop.
> Art Department Pro (ADPro) is excellent but long discontinued. However,
> it is an image processing program for the whole image, as is the equally
> good Image Engineer, and not a paint pprogram, which is what is needed
> here.
> A paint program isn't the same as an image-processing program, although
> some functions overlap.
>> The other 24-bit AGA program is Brilliance, basically DPaint redone in
> assembler. It's good.
Thanks for the input Don, also storm and John Davis.
We already have ADPro, Brilliance and a demo of Art Effect (untried).
For the relatively reasonable cost of Photogenics and ImageFX we might get
them both.
Any more comments from users of these packages, with reference to our
requirements in original posting, would be appreciated.
Keep up the good work, all you guys who respond to people's problems, (Neil,
Tim, Matt et al), it all helps build up the knowledge of us guys on the other side of the planet who
can't just drop in to a store full of Amiga software. I know I learn something every day.

Cheers guys, Colin

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