Blitz (101/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:26 Jul 2001 at 10:52:11
Subject:Re: .h files

Hi Richard

> #define FIVE 16

> #define FIVE (1<<16)

You're sure it's done like that? That's pretty lame, redefining the
define like that. Normally, you'd get something like this:

#define FIVEB 16
#define FIVEF (1 << FIVEB)

(B meaning Bit, F meaning Full). Anyway, minor rant over :)

#FIVEB = 16
#FIVEF = (1 LSL #FIVEB) ; LSL is logical shift left

Oh, and if you did it like the guy and redefined #FIVE, Blitz would use
whatever the current definition of #FIVE was when it's compiling. i.e.

#FIVE = 16
; #FIVE is 16 here
#FIVE = (1 LSL 16)
; #FIVE is 1 LSL 16 here

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If God had meant us to use mobile phones, he'd have put them where
I'm about to shove yours.

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