Blitz (115/176)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:28 Jul 2001 at 04:52:04
Subject:Re: MUI List probs

On 28-Jul-01, David McMinn said -

>DM Did you read my reply to some MUI question earlier this week? ;)

>DM I think it works the same way here.

I must have missed that. Do you still have a copy?


//Amiga 1200, '060/50, OS3.9, EZ-Tower, Dopus,
// PC Keyboard W EZ-Key, 56K modem, 2+16 Meg,
\\ // NEC 2A Multisync, Logic 3 SpeedMouse, HPDJ610C,
\\/ Sega Controller, & no hair.

I�m going to find Londo and bring him here. - What if he refuses? -
Then I hurt him.
-- Sinclair and Talia

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