Blitz (120/176)

From:Demon Hell
Date:28 Jul 2001 at 14:10:50
Subject:Re: MUIList prob (2)

>OK, after having sat up all night (again - I hate coding sometimes)`s the best time to one phones up or calls round..BLISS

>So...I've recoded using a standard array. However, my MUIList will >change
>on a
>number of occasions during the course of the program. Setting up the >list
>first time there's no problem. However, if the list shrinks, simply >using
>MUIChangeList command leaves me with remnants from the old list, presumably
>picked up from the array. If I go through clearing the array entries >to ""
>I get blank entries in the list from the end of the new list to the

I had similar problems like that, it you`re hell bent on used lists ( I take
it you really mean an array of strings? as in dim mymuilist$(30) )
then to remove an item from the list, you have two choices..
1. move all the strings down a slot
eg ;##remove string 3
for a=3 to numstrings

This has tidies up the list, but you`ll be left with blank entries at the
bottom ..since you`ve already predefined the number of entries. You could
modify the above, by using 2 arrays and freeing and dimming them to the
right size as required, then telling MUI to use the newer array.

2. The cleaner way is to use the insert and remove commands for
Muilist/Muinlist.. it saves on having to define arrays and it tidies up
after itself. Docs for doing this are in the EFMui docs.

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