Blitz (122/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:28 Jul 2001 at 17:25:18
Subject:Re: Unrelated Blitz Question

On 28 Jul 01, at 9:23, Jason broke out long enough to write:

> Sorry about this unrelated Blitz question, but when I use OS 3.9 and try to
> change screenmode from WB I keep getting a requestor saying " Please close
> all window's, trying to change screenmode. " Does anyone else get this as I
> seem to remember someone mentioning it once before. All the windows are shut
> so I haven't a clue what it's trying to tell me.

Is this after running any programs, or immediately after you boot? If it is
immediately after you boot, then it could be some patch in your startup
seuqence or a program in your WBStartup is locking the Workbench screen
with intentions of opening a window on it, but not actually unlocking the
screen when the window gets closed.

It could be a similar program if it occurs after running some programs.

And to bring it back on topic, I've seen a few Blitz programs which are
badly behaved when it comes to public screens ;)

[) /\ \/ ][ [) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694

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