Blitz (124/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:28 Jul 2001 at 17:31:19
Subject:Re: MUI List probs

On 28 Jul 01, at 4:52, Steve broke out long enough to write:

> >DM Did you read my reply to some MUI question earlier this week? ;)
> >DM I think it works the same way here.
> I must have missed that. Do you still have a copy?

I see you got it working, but here's a copy of the message anyway.

> Oh, and are you sure that's how MUICycles work? I'm sure someone asked a
> similar question a few weeks ago, and you need to supply an array of
> string pointers terminated with a NULL pointer, i.e.:
> Dim strings.s(10)
> strings(0)="blah"
> strings(1)="balaaah"
> strings(2)="foo"
> ...
> strings(10)="bar"
> Dim strptr.l(11) ; Notice -> 1 bigger than the string array
> for i.w=0 to 10
> strptr(i)=&strings(i)
> next
> strptr(11)=0
> MUICycle #selector,&strptr(0)

Hope it's of some use :)

[) /\ \/ ][ [) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694

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