Blitz (147/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:30 Jul 2001 at 23:52:46
Subject:FDConvert (was Re: CyberGraphix Problem)

On 30 Jul 01, at 22:12, Thilo broke out long enough to write:

> But I cannot create cybergraphics.library1 with FDConvert because it is only
> in RAM (when I look with a Scout) and not a file in LIBS: . Anybody an idea

I know you got it sorted, but here's a tip for anyone using NewFDConvert.
If the library is not on disk, just leave the drawer blank and put the
library name in the filename gadget (so you are only entering for example
cybergraphics.library). It should read the library out of ROM/RAM/wherever.

Also, if you want to cancel the fdconvert, leave both strings blank (IIRC).

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