Blitz (148/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:30 Jul 2001 at 23:59:16
Subject:Re: Drawing a sample

On 30 Jul 01, at 23:42, amorel broke out long enough to write:

> I tried it, but it still does the same. Also I have tried this routine on
> many sizes of samples, as low as 1.2 kb etc. Every sample has the same
> problem, only 3/4(or 2/3) will be drawn.


If you print out the values of xsam and teller after the loop has finished
what are their values (and what are they like in comparison to 620 and the
length of the sample)?

I was also just wondering....are samples ever stored as words on the Amiga?
You know, something like 1 byte for left channel and then 1 byte for right
channel? Hmm, maybe not, I don't remember too many samples that use >1

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