Blitz (153/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:31 Jul 2001 at 09:45:34
Subject:Re: Drawing a sample

Hi amorel

> C=If you print out the values of xsam and teller after the loop has
> finished C=what are their values (and what are they like in comparison to
> 620 and the C=length of the sample)?
> Either 620(for xsam) and/or not far less(for teller). As the sample gets
> drawn to the right inner edge of the window.

So they do actually reach their values, you're not just saying what's
supposed to happen? ;)

> The length is given in words in the sound structure, but that`s just to be
> able to put larger numbers in there I`d say. And the bytes I read in
> appear to be within 0-255.

If the length is given in words then you might need to try multiplying
the length by 2 (to get the actual size in bytes) to get the correct size
for the array, the correct number of samples to draw etc.

|) /\ \/ ][ |) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694
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- Walter, The Big Lebowski

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