Blitz (16/176)

From:Thilo K�hler
Date:4 Jul 2001 at 02:00:13
Subject:AHI library again

Hi all !

I am hanging with my AHI library again. Unfortunately
the sourcecode that might contain a bug is too big to
post here.
The problem:
I try to use AHI via the library functions.
Everything runns well like opening the
ahi.device, choose a AHI mode and allocate
the audiohardware. But if I try to play a
sound everything stays quiet. I know that
is not very precise, but that`s all I can say.
I`ve tried lots of things like setting volume, frequency
but there is still no noise. There is also no
Guru or Debugger error - only silence like
I would not have called the "SetSound" function.
I can install a "PlayerFunc" and it works well,
its only the "SetSound" function that does
nothing. A SoundFunc is installed but it is
NOT called.

The examples in C don`t help, as I can not
find differences that could cause this behaviour.

If someone has any experience in AHI with
the library functions please help !



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