Blitz (20/176)

From:Andrew Barker
Date:4 Jul 2001 at 12:17:01
Subject:EdHT (Coded in Blitz Basic2) Distrib.

Hello Blitz List,

I have put together a distribution of EdHT 0.5 Alpha 17.7
together with my implementations and MenuConfigs to show some of the
"new"(ish:) power in EdHT compared to 0.4. I now have permissions from
all authors of other software that is included in this distribution, so
offer this to you to try out?

<EdHT> has MenuConfigs that are fully <User Configurable> Examples
that are provided with the latest <Full Distribution> of <EdHT> are
as follows...

EdHT.mcfg (The "Primary Introduction to EdHT" MenuConfig)
EdHT-Welcome.mcfg (To get started - Examples of Editing possibilities)
EdHT-ENV.mcfg (A MenuConfig for your Name etc! ENV in ALL .mcfgs)
EdHT-MenuEdit.mcfg (A MenuConfig for Editing the <EdHT MenuConfigs!>
EdHT Menu Editor
EdHT-AmigaGuide.mcfg (A MenuConfig for Editing <@AmigaGuide> files)
Use @AmigaGuide <"@"> Tags as <Different colour!>
(via PREFs) Now with "GuideCheck"
EdHT-HTML4.01.mcfg (A <HTML4.01> (compliance intended) MenuConfig
For Web Page Editing. Uses <html> Tags as
<Different Colour> (via PREFs) Now with Amiga
"HTMLTidy" (validation checks/converts html to
xhtml) and (x+)html4.01+WAI compliant
implementation of "PicSize".
EdHT-HTML4.01-All_Entities.mcfg - As name suggests
All Character Entity References. (A <HTML4.01>
(compliant) MenuConfig for Web Page Editing)
Use <html> Tags as <Different Colour> (via PREFs)
EdHT-Mail.mcfg A MenuConfig for Mail Editing
(PGM it to do what you want!:)
Use <PREFs for > <Quoted Mail Lines as different colour - via PREFs!>
EdHT-PlugIns.mcfg (For configuring <EdHT PlugIns>)

Hope some of you here might get a chance to test this out for me,
before any Aminet upload. Any comments, suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Maybe someone here on the blitz list could be interested
in developing this further after trying it?

Get the full distrib from here..


From Andrew Barker in Kununurra - 40km from the WA/NT border
in Western AUSTRALIA (3000km from Perth 800km from Darwin :)
Every person has a unique tongue print.

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