Blitz (44/176)

From:Sami N��t�nen
Date:9 Jul 2001 at 12:46:57
Subject:Re: 3.5 ARexx commands?

On 2001.07.09 13:52 David McMinn wrote:
> Hi John
> > > maybe it was the OS3.5 CD. Does it need to be ARexx? IIRC, a lot
> of the
> > > icon menu commands were put into the workbench.library, so "Leave
> out"
> > > might also be there.
> >
> > No, if there are commands in the workbench.library then that would
> be even
> > better -- but again I would need to know the commands and I guess
> I'd need
> > a newer .fd file for the workbench library. Does anyone have the
> 2.1 dev
> > CD?
> I do, but I'd need to find it to check for the ARexx stuff (since I
> never
> use ARexx). But I checked the autodocs and I was wrong about the
> "leave
> out" thing - what you can do is make an appicon respond to e.g. "Leave
> out", but you cannot call the functions themselves.
> Sorry about the hassle.

I think you can make it backdrop simply adding line to ":.backdrop",
where you put the path + name of your program. (should work on 3.1 but
don't know if 3.5 uses the same method) I don't remember if the WB
checks modifications to this file on the fly, so it may not work until
reboot or leave out of another icon.

The ".backdrop" file where you need to add the line, have to be in the
same partition where your program is.

So this for example should work. I can't remember was it with .icon or
without, but I think you can test it by yourself :)
echo "path_to_proggy/my_program_in_floppy_0" >df0:.backdrop
and when this disk is inserted the program icon will appear in WB

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