Blitz (47/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:10 Jul 2001 at 12:46:09
Subject:Re: 3.5 ARexx commands?

Hi Sami

> So this for example should work. I can't remember was it with .icon or
> without, but I think you can test it by yourself :)
> echo "path_to_proggy/my_program_in_floppy_0" >df0:.backdrop
> and when this disk is inserted the program icon will appear in WB
> screen.

Yes, it is without the .info, but if you are going to use echo to test
it, better to use >> so you don't overwrite any backdrop file you already
have :)

You might be able to use Workbench menu->Update all or Redraw all to get
it to appear, rather than reboot.

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