Blitz (73/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:22 Jul 2001 at 00:46:22
Subject:Re: Stuck with things.

On 21 Jul 2001, at 14:23, Andrew Bruno wrote:

> I have found Pressing Amiga HELP gets me a list of the commands.
> I press on the command and I get a discription. Pressing the "Examaple"
> button doesn't do much.

There are hardly any examples in the thing - you are not missing
anything. In fact, the examples which are there are only copies of the
example code which was in the reference manual.

> What I am wanting to do is put a standard text requestor to ask for a
> number.

There is no standard requester for doing this. The only requester I have
seen for this is by using reqtools.library and NeilsReqToolsLib (I think).

blah.l = RTEZGetLong("Title","Body",666)

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