Blitz (85/176)

From:David McMinn
Date:24 Jul 2001 at 01:47:48
Subject:Re: IDCMP

Steve Hargreaves says the moon is made of cheese, but it's actually made of IDCMP

> Is there anywhere I can get a /complete/ list of IDCMP flags for use
> with Blitz? Every now and then, I come across a new one which would have
> saved me a lot of grief. I'd like to know how much more grief I can save
> myself.

Developer CD? in the NDK_3.5/Include/Include/intuition/intuition.h file.

Or try looking at either the NCS reference guide for the NWindows lib, or
even the PureBasic reference guide for the window library in that. IIRC,
both of those contain all the window flags, so I guess the IDCMP ones are
there somewhere too.


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