DOpus (2/63)

From:Dave Clarke
Date:3 Jul 2001 at 12:48:31
Subject:[D5] Re: Buggy "Cycle mode"...

Once upon a time, 02-Jul-01 17:30:05, Dariusz Gac spoke thus about
'[D5] Re: Buggy "Cycle mode"...':

>> It works fine here _as long as the lister is active_.

> Point is it does not work fine... if I use CycleMode a few times
>in row then the active lister stops responding to CycleMode :((

Define a 'few', (is 50 times in a row enough because that's when I gave up
hitting the button :)

Are you using a SunMouse util?

Does it work with no other hacks/patches/CXs/etc running, (ie. nothing but


_--_|\ Dave Clarke | Four Wheel Drive: - Helps you get stuck |
/ \ | faster, harder, further from help.|
\_.--.*/ <-Melbourne | Powered by: A3000 '060/50+604/180 138MB |
v | P-IV/Concierto/Pablo/Paloma |

I feel your tongue flicking over the hardened pebbles of my nipples!

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