DOpus (24/63)

From:Patryk �ogiewa
Date:19 Jul 2001 at 23:33:50
Subject:[D5] Re: Formatting above 4GB

Hello Dr


>>>> Want to leave the mailing list that we pay for then?
>>> Why dont you just shut it down? If there's a need for such a list, we
>>> can make our own, for free.


> BTW: "Kolbj�rn Barmen" is now banned form this list.

... for a couple of words of truth...

> After all the years of service we have given to the Amiga users for free,
> we are totally fed up with this type of childish behaviour.

You must have had a really tough windows_reinstall() session. Time to ban
some other "children" then...

BTW (before I also get banned): What kind of service to the Amiga users was
given from you for the (say) last two years?

- don't expect anything
- not our problem
- ask them not us

- ... and so on...

I understand that having to deal with registry editing and continuous
reinstalls might have impact on people's attitude but come on: just say it
takes all your time and you don't want to run Amiga support anymore instead
of continuously saying how much it costs you to e.g. run the list. One may
really get fed up with that.

> We have
> quietly put up with people on this list bagging us and our products for
> many years. But that's it. Enough is enough. No more.

Strange that I haven't seen anybody "bagging" you (or products) here.

> We have supplied this list at our time and expense for over 6 years and
> it is designed for owners of DOpus on the Amiga to get support from us and
> ask questions of other owners/users. Not for idiots to behave like bunnies
> in the spotlight.

Please, look in the mirror *NOW*.

> Comment and well ment banter is fine. Bagging us or the products is not.

EOT... and goodbye.


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