DOpus (27/63)

From:Michael M. Rye
Date:20 Jul 2001 at 03:16:10
Subject:[D5] Re: Formatting above 4GB

Hi, Dr
On 19-Jul-01, you wrote:
> Thanks Alex:) Good to see someone can read context!
> As usual on this list, common sense seems to have failed with a few:)
> Just for general comment, we have no plans to close this list down and our
> continued support for the owners of our Amiga products will continue as
> usual. But, the situatition is quite simple as I said. This list is for
> buyers of DOpus products and general discussion about the product plus
> some Amiga stuff.
> Well intentioned 'banter' is fine. People who wish to use it as a
> mechanism to bag us or our products will be removed. We should have done
> this years ago.

Well, I for one also appreciate the support you've provided on the
list over the period of time that I've owned a copy of
DOpus Magellan II (v5.82 if I remember right). I don't use it in
Workbench Replacement Mode because I'm running OS 3.9, but I love
using it just the same. Thank you very much!


| Michael Rye | Amiga 4000 Desktop, CyberStorm MK-III 060/50 MHz |
|UNIX/DBA/C/HTML/Java| 146 Meg RAM, 4 Gig HD, 2 Ariadne-II cards |
| Team AMIGA | NetGear EN104TP Hub, NEC 16X SCSI-II CD-ROM |
| | Seagate TapeStor 8000, Supra 56e Modem |
| This space intentionally left blank. |

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