DOpus (50/63)

From:Alexander Niven-Jenkins
Date:25 Jul 2001 at 19:29:40
Subject:[D5] Re: pec., per. problem

Hiya Michael,

On 25-Jul-01, Michael Habermann wrote:

> Speaking of BOOT2: (which is, again, not up to date): is there a mirror
> program that could duplicate every file action (create, delete, rename,
> etc.) onto a backup device? Some type of program that would examine
> actions (a handler, maybe) and then perform these actions on a
> user-selected device? That would really simplify the backup situation in
> that a backup would be maintained continually. I've looked through Aminet,
> but maybe I've not recognized THE ONE.

Probably not, although that's a pretty good idea :-) You would have to
patch into the system libraries and watch for writes.
It probably isn't too difficult; however you'd want to buffer it somehow
so that you didn't get trashing betwee trying to write to two destinations
at the same time.

And of course everything would slow down :-)

> Re: If only the PC... Well I have a PC and haven't turned it on in ages. I
> must admit that I really, really like the Amiga, and also that DOPUS has
> really enhanced the experience immeasurably.

I meant from the point of view of just booting into DOS without having to
run anything :-)

Kind regards...


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