OS3.9 Masterclass
of AA22 will be aware of the lack of files on our coverdisc
to accompany the third instalment of our OS3.9 Masterclass.
The relevant files will be appearing on AA23's coverdisc,
but for those of you who can't wait to further improve the
look and functionality of OS3.9, here are the relevant links:
Brighten up your window borders
VisualPrefs 1.5i [web
site] [download]
Birdie [web site]
BirdiePrefs 1.25 [download]
TitleShadow [download]
Change all your icons' tooltypes
Deft_II [download]
Manage your environment variables
HappyEnv [download]
Env-Handler [download]
(also on AACD22 under Active Shareware)
Add your own menu options
ToolsDaemon [web
site] [download]
Give your menus a facelift
MagicMenu [web
site] [download
LZX] [download
Get Connected - E-mailers
YAM [web site] [download
main archive] [download
contributions] [download
68040/060 versions] [download
locale files] [download
MorphOS version]
THOR [web site]
thor26_main.lha] [download
thor26_inet.lha] [download
Microdot [web site]
Get Connected - Web browsers
AWeb [web
IBrowse [web
site] [download
Voyager [web site]