Channel Policy

The purpose of channel #AmigaWorld is to be the most friendly and helpful channel on the Internet. To aid in the smooth running of #AmigaWorld the following conditions should be heeded upon entering #AmigaWorld.


Ten ops is the maximum, they make all decisions about how the channel should be run. One op can make a decision on the spot, but if other ops disagree on the action taken there should be discussion about it.

Channel bots

In general there should only be two bots on the channel; X (the Undernet channel service bot) and the Missbot, run by the channel manager.

Kicks and bans

Channel #AmigaWorld was formed to escape from the insults and immature behaviour often found in other Amiga-related channels. Such channel users may be kicked from the channel, temporarily, or even banned from the channel by a channel op. The channel op *must* give a warning to users before kicking or banning. Ops should NEVER kick anyone for personal reasons. Bans are normally used for repeated offences. They should happen if the person just keeps on coming back, which is bad. We don't want a huge banlist, so try to get people off it once they no longer pose a threat to the channel.

Acceptable practice

It is an unfortunate fact that kicking and banning is required however the following rules apply: 1. There is no such thing as a friendly kick. All kicks shall be based upon the need to keep order in the channel. 2. Personal kicks or bans are not allowed. 3. Bans are unfortunate. These are to be timed such that the offender has time to think through their mistakes. The disciplinary progression should follow Warning, Kick, Kickban 10 minutes, kickban one hour, Kickban one week, Ban total.


If an argument between people starts disturbing people on the channel, those involved should take it into a private session. Fights are not wanted. Debates are welcome.