Amiga Technical Support Note
Teething troubles
If, having installed your Amiga accessory, you find that it doesn't function as planned, you should:
- Ensure that you have returned your product registration card to Eyetech to validate your entitlement to technical support.
- Reread all the installation notes which came with your product, including any specific troubleshooting guides supplied at the time or subsequently.
- Recheck that all connectors are properly orientated and fixed in place and well pushed down.
- Delete any previously installed software which could clash with your new peripheral (eg CDROM filesystems, device drivers, startup commodities etc) by temporarily renaming the relevant files and drawers (WBStartup to x-WBStartup for example). You
will find these files in the c:, l:, devs:, libs:, devs:dosdrivers and s: drawers of your boot partition. Then reinstall the driver software relevant to your new peripheral and reboot.
- Make sure that any existing peripherals are properly reconfigured to take account of your revised setup. This particularly applies to hard disk drive jumper settings and their RDB (HDToolbox) software settings. If you do not have the specification
ns/settings for your hard drive you should obtain a set from the relevant drive manufacturers 'Fax-on-Demand' service. If you are using a CDROM with a buffered interface try connecting the CDROM on channel 2.
- If you are using more than one power supply to power your Amiga and its accessories, or if you have peripherals - including hard drives, CDROMs etc housed in free-standing cases you must ensure that a common earthing wire runs between all metalwor
rk and the A1200 chassis.
- Remove all other non-essential accessories from your Amiga (eg second hard disks, CDROMs, accelerators) and see if the new peripheral now functions. Try using the 'early boot' screen (reset and hold down both mouse buttons) to disable the CPU cach
hes. If the new accessory now functions add the other accessories back one at a time to determine the rogue item. Note the results of all your tests.
- Check the revision of A1200 motherboard you have. (The revision level is written in white on the top surface of the motherboard about 3 cm inboard of the trap door edge connector. You may be able to read it through the holes in the metal shielding
g, or you may need to remove the shielding to check properly.)
Eyetech 100% test all Amiga products before shipment and guarantee A1200 products to work properly on a Revision 1.D.1 A1200 motherboard - the most common (and most stable) A1200 board sold in the UK - as well as with revision 1.D.4 and 2.B motherboard
ds which have been modified by ourselves.
Should I send it back for checking?
If you still have no success and you believe that there is a defect with the product you have purchased you may request a Returns Authorisation Number (RAN) so that you can send the product back to us for checkout and/or replacement. You should ring, w
write or fax the Eyetech technical support centre with details of your problem to request a returns authorisation number or - if appropriate - to arrange to have your Rev 1.D.4 or 2.B motherboard modified as described above.
Before contacting technical support you must have the following information to hand (it must also be included with any correspondence):
- Your invoice number, Eyetech customer code and date of invoice.
- The name and (if applicable) serial number of the product that you have purchased
- A list of all main components in your system including:
- The manufacturer of your A1200 (Amiga International/Escom or Commodore)
- The revision level of the A1200 motherboard
- The make, model physical size and capacity and supplier (as relevant) of all hard drives, CDROMs, accelerators, I/O expander cards, Zip drives etc used with your A1200
- A list of any third party driver software loaded as default by your operating system on startup (eg SCSI, scanner, printer, CDROM drivers, MCP, MUI etc)
- A list of all the tests that you have conducted - as recommended above - and their results.
For further information please read the 'Organising a Return' page.