Imagine 5.0 for Amiga
- Features list -

Quad View Interface

   Front, Side, Top and Perspective views
   Preview in wire frame, solid mode, shaded, or 3D edit
The perspective view allows for interactive control of the camera. A simple combination of mouse button
presses and mouse movements allow the camera to be rotated and moved around the 3D world, without any need
for selecting movement or rotations on a per-axis basis.
Also, the cameras perspective field of view can be interactively modified.
Editing complex objects becomes really simple with the combined use of the 3D edit mode and interactive
camera controls. The camera can be easily moved or rotated to allow for better positioning, whilst keeping
the 3D edit mode enabled.

Render in:

   Full Trace� (with shadows, reflection and refraction)
   Scan Line� (limited reflections)
   Solid mode: Color, or Black and White
   Wire frame mode: Color, or Black and White

Full Arexx support: Extensive integration of Arexx allows Imagine to be enahnced by the user, or by
   a 3rd party, in many ways - modelling, creating animations, network rendering, add new commands,
   control and integrate external programs... The possibilities are endless.

Multiple Editors: help avoid screen display clutter by only showing options available for the task
currently being undertaken.
   Detail: Object creation and properties application
   Stage: animation control and object staging
   Forms: slice object editor
   Spline: font and 2D spline object creation
   Action: quick view of all stage actors

Procedural Texturing with over 100 textures included such as:�Wood, Brick, Bath tile, Fire, Ghost...
Image mapping including static and animated maps, and various applications of image maps such as:
   Color, Specular, Altitude, Filter, Reflective...
   All brushes and textures can be faded in/out over time.

Quick Attributes button allows commonly used attributes to be available in an instant. 25 user defined
   storage slots are available for use.

Object manipulation
   Bend, Twist, Taper, Shear, Scale, Move, all manipulations are Animatable.

The Polygon manipulation features of "fill to edge" allows holes within an object to be filled very quickly.
Boolean operations

Object States an Imagine unique feature allowing each object to have various states where different
aspects of the object can be set, then when animated users can morph between various states.
Great for creating character animation movements.

Built in primitive objects
   Cone, Disk, Ground, Plane, Sphere, CSG Sphere, Torus, and Tube

Full lathe and extrusion function with
   Spin, Sweep, Extrude and Extrude along a path or axis.

Conform objects to object types and paths

Optimize and repair objects: Overlapping points can be merged, and functions to check object
data integrity

Convert bitmap pictures, fonts (Postscript, Compugraphic, and Bitmap) into 3D objects

Magnetic control of selected points

Object selection tools include, click, lasso and drag box

Editor zoom tools

Particle system support, various built-in particles as well as load any object as a particle and fully
   Animatable. Particles can be affected by forces such as wind or gravity.

Supports Grouping in mass and hierarchical

Meta Ball functions

Backdrop images both static and animated

Full IFF-Anim support and Image sequence save and load

Animation Bluing show last position of animated object

Stage editor animation preview allows a fast preview of the current scene. A "scrub slider" bar allows
   rapid movement between frames for checking purposes.

Imagine and DXF file format load and save

Key Cell tweening with absolute or spline base motion paths.
Animated objects can follow defined spline motion paths, with user defined acceleration and deceleration.

Inverse Kinematics for character animation


Unlimited Animatable light sources where color, intensity and type can be controlled:
   Point, Spot, Square and parallel. Shadow/non-shadow casting, soft shadows.
Full Camera control

Light/Object views: Imagine has the ability to provide a view from any object or lightsource in
   the scene.

Special Effects including:
   Particle, Rotate, Ripple, Grow, Flash, Boing, Baloon, Explode, Fireworks, Sway,
   Spike, Balloon, Tumble, Lens flare, Shredder

Post-Processing Effects including:
   Contrast, Fade to/from colour, Haze, Melt, Negative, RGBMix, Solarize, Toon

Global variables including:
   Field Rendering
   Motion Blur
   Anti Alias controls
   Resolve depth (controls level of reflection and refraction)
   Star Field (fully animatable)
   Global Fog with density and color

Supports AmigaOS 2, 3.0, 3.1 and higher
Easy Install
Full 24 bit video support
Graphics devices supported include: ECS and AGA chipsets, CyberGraphics RTG system,
   Picasso96 (through its CyberGraphics support), Retina, DCTV, Firecracker, and Opalvision.
Renders from 1,1 pixel to 16,000 by 16,000 suitable for multimedia, print and motion picture film and video
Image output formats include: IFF-ILBM, RGBN/RGB8, RawRGB, DCTV.

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