
The bar chart below demonstrates the rendering speed difference between 68k and PPC systems.
In this example, a primitive disc object is placed in a scene with one light. The PPC global effect Haze is used to provide a glow/haze around the disc.

Sytem configuration:
CyberStormPPC 50Mhz 68060/233Mhz 604e PPC
128Mb RAM
Time to render frame is measured in seconds.

Imagine V5.0 - The final sales release version (68K renderer and 68K effect file).
SARE_PPC - Beta version of the Imagine Stand Alone Render Engine (PPC S.A.R.E. and PPC effect file)

Rendering resolution - 640x480 24Bit.

Test 1

Test 2
chart_glfx_haze2_pic Test2_pic

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