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The purpose of this club is to promote a better understanding of Amiga Computers, and other computers, among its members, to provide a forum for the development and sharing of ideas and information among its members and invited guests, and to exist as a computer information and assistance resource to the community in Lancashire.
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Section 1. General membership in this Club shall be open to anyone who agrees to abide by this constitution. Members must abide by the constitution and rules of the Group. General members have the right to vote and hold office. There will be no discrimination of race, sex, creed, colour, age, sexual orientation, or disability with regards to the purpose of the organization.
Section 2. Any disorderly conduct by a member, or guest may result in a lapse of membership for that member if so voted
by the club.
Member Obligations and Privileges
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Section 1. There will be no fees to become a member of the Group.
Section 2. All members are responsible for the knowledge of this constitution and all Group policies.
Section 3. Full membership is conferred after attendance at, and payment of the weekly subscription for, four meetings of the Group, and dependant on attendance for at least four meetings of the Group per year.
The Executive Board
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Section 1. The Executive board will consist of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Only members in good standing have the right to hold office. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Group.
Section 2. President
a.) The President is the official spokesperson for the club
b.) The President presides over all meetings and is responsible for:* Preparing the agenda for each meetingc.) The President is responsible for keeping the Members informed of all upcoming events
* Opening and closing the meeting
* Calling on people to speak
* Keeping order and keeping the meeting on the topic being discussed
* Acting as a mediator and/or moderator when necessary
* Making the final decision in the case of a tie vote
d.) The President encourages the members to achieve their goals
e.) The President recognizes the accomplishments and contributions of members.
Section 3. SecretarySection 4. Treasurera.) The Secretary takes accurate and complete minutes at all meetings
b.) The Secretary types and distributes minutes to all members; a brief summary will suffice
c.) The Secretary works with the President to determine the agenda and ensures that the agenda is followed during meetings
d.) The Secretary maintains accurate records and files of all organization business and accurate meeting attendance records.
e.) The Secretary must handle all organization correspondence including letters and thank you notes.
f.) The Secretary shall either act as Webmaster of the Group Website, or shall cause to appoint some responsible person for this task.Section 5. The officers shall be elected by ballot to serve a term of one year, at an Annual General Meeting to be held in June each year. Notice of this meeting will be given for a period of four weeks. An Extaordinary AGM may be summoned by the declaration of five eligable members in the case of unsatisfactory fulfillment of their position.a. The treasurer is responsible for regular treasury reports which must include:* a statement of how much was spent at each program since the last meetingb. In conjunction with the executive board, the Treasurer develops the organization budget
* a statement of the bills paid and unpaid
* an accurate record of how much money is in the accountSection 6. No member shall hold more than one office at a time.
Section 7. If any vacancy shall occur, a special election will be held at the next meeting to fill the open position.
Section 8. The officers of the Group shall constitute the Executive board.
Section 11. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Group between its business meetings, make recommendations to the Group and shall perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Group, and none of its acts shall conflict with the action taken by the Group.
Section 12. A member of the Executive Board can be impeached by a two-thirds vote if at least three-fourths of the active members are present.
Article VI.
[Return to top]Meetings will be held at least once a month at a time and day so voted by the club at the Annual General Meeting. The group may vote within a meeting to change the meeting day and time.
Article VIII.
Amendments and Voting
[Return to top]Section 1. This constitution can be amended at any regular meeting of the club at which three-fourths of the membership is present, by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.
Section 2. As needed, general matters may be voted upon at any regularly scheduled meeting. A majority vote is required for approval. Members may file an objection to a general matter vote within seren days of the time the vote took place. The reasons for objection will then be presented at the next meeting for group to consideration what actions, if any, need to be taken.