Documentation for TaskiSMS v2.55
- Informations about program
- Functions and windows description
IntroductionTaskiSMS is program to send SMSes (short text messages) to
cellular phones and also others electronic devices. To send message
program uses internet gates of cellular phone operators and also
other gates which was make accesible by providers of others digital
services (for example digital television).
RequirementsTo run TaskiSMS you must fulfil following requirements:
- Amiga with Kickstart 3.0+
- about 1MB free RAM memory
Magic User Interface (MUI) version 3.8+. MUI is shareware package
written by Stefan Stuntz. You can download and order package from site.
And additional MUI custom classes:
- And also connection with internet via packet compatibile with
bsdscoket.library (AmiTCP, Genesis, Miami)
Licence and registrationTaskiSMS in version 2.5 is distributed as Shareware. If you use
registered version, you obligate to use only one copy on one computer.
Make accessible this version of program via network (for example Samba
or Microsoft Networks) is not allowed.
If you want to sell your copy of program to someone else, both
sides must contact with author of program, from which depends assent for that
Registered version of TaskiSMS checks their legality using internet
connection, in that case program don't send any personal datas, and
all sent datas will be stored only in author data base and won't be
accessible to the third persons, and won't be used in any other way.
If you're using unregistered version, above declarations don't
affect to you. Spreading of unregistered version is allowed and free
of charge with one condition: You can't change anything in
distribution archive taken from Aminet. You can use unregistered
version by one month from date of first run, after that term you
should register this program.
Author don't take any liability or responsibility for any losts
or damages caused by using this software. You use it at YOUR OWN
If you want to have got full version of this program, you must
register it. You can do it using credit card, pay in money to author
account or by sending money in envelope.
Cost of full version of program is 10USD, 20DM or 10EURO.
I accept also others exchangeable currencies.
It's also possible to pay registration fee using credit card via
safety RegNet service.
 If you want to register program by sending money in envelope, please
fill regform like this below and send it with money to the following address:
Pawel Filipczak
ul. Herbsta 18/25
76-200 Slupsk
TaskiSMS regform:
Full name:
Address (not required):
Postal code:
Cellular phone number (not required):
If you want to register program pay in money to my account, pay in to:
Bank Pekao SA II Oddzial Slupsk
Daniel Filipczak
To register program I need follwoing data: first name and last
name, e-mail address and country (if you want you can also give
your snail address and phone number). This data will be written in
database of program users and not be spreaded to third persons. You
also have got access to your datas and you can make changes concerning
to you.
Full version of program will be sent via e-mail.Restrictions for demo verison:
- length of SMSes restricted to something about 130 characters, full version splits long messages to 160 characters parts.
- disabled sorting list of SMSes and address book entries,
- disabled option which allows to disable advertisements,
- disabled possibility to add custom folders,
- window "About" appear at start of program.
Registered users have got additional possibilities:
- get for request betaversions of program,
- request to write plugin dedicated specially for his cellular
phone provider.
InstallationTo install TaskiSMS please doubleclick on Install icon. After that
please follow up with install program instructions.
Special thanks to:
- Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz (elf) - for big help with acquiration secrets of C and big patience with testing betaversions, perseverance with rebooting computer and disposable;)
- Grzegorz Kraszewski (Krashan) - for help with change to C and tests (especially for two lost units;)
- Bartosz Romanczuk (VanS) - for help with program tests.
- Daniel Filipczak (Muffin) - for keeping server in proper state.
- Manou Bill - for icon to program.
- ATO - for translation to various languages.
- and for all about which I forgot...
This software was translated with the help of ATO, the Amiga
Translators' Organization. ATO is a non-profit organization that
translates for the Amiga community!
Amiga Translators' Organization:
Easiest way to contact with me is e-mail. Mails in english or
polish language please send to:
It would be nice when you put TASKISMS word at the begining of
You can also write to my snail mail address:
Pawel Filipczak
ul. Herbsta 18/25
76-200 Slupsk
You can also try to contact with me via IRC. You can find me
everyday after 21.00 (CET) on #amisia channel on IRCNet net. My nick is PaploTSI.
 This is main window of TaskiSMS. You can find here two very
important lists, toolbar and advertisement on which you should click.
Mentioned above two lists is very important. List at the left side
of window (marked with number 2) shows list of folders in which all writen and
sent messages will be stored. As you can see on the picture you have got
access to three default folders. In "Outgoing" folder
program will store all outgoing messages, and also all messages which
couldn't be sent earlier from any reasons. In "Sent" folder
program stores all sent messages. "Deleted" folder is used
to store all unnecesary for us messages which trashing our other
List on the right (marked with number 1 on the picture) is used to show
content of selected folder. This list is divided to 4 columns:
receiver of message and his phone number, short preview of message,
date of creation and message file name.
Between this two lists you can find thick vertical bar. It used to
sets balance between two lists. Program on exit saves this settings to
loads it when you start program next time to prevent neccesity of
correction of this settings.
Like I mentioned, on the bottom of this window id placed
advertisement banner. Click on that banner (marked with number 4 on the
picture) causes bring up your WWW browser and loads page hidden under
banner. I'm trying to all banners will be associated to Amiga. If you want
to put banner of your site in TaskiSMS, please contact with me to
negotiate terms.
At the top of this window you can find toolbar (marked with number 3).
Thanks to it you will be able to write and send message, and many
others things. Here it is descriptions of buttons starting from left:
- New - opens compose new message window, which allow to write and send new message.
- Edit - opens edit window, which allow to modify selected message from "Outgoing" folder.
- Move - this button activates moving messages option. To move message (or messages) to other folder you should select this message(s) in list and after that press "Move" button. New window will appear (visible on picture on the right) in which you should doubleclick on name of folder to which you want moves selected message(s). To cancel from this option simply close this window.
- Send - this button send all messages from "Outgoing" folder. Messages which will sent successfully will be moved to "Sent" folder.
- Delete - this button moves all selected messages to "Deleted" folder. If you use this function on messages already placed in "Deleted" folder, messages will be deleted from folder and from disk.
- PBook - this button opens phone book.
- Prefs - this button opens settings window.
Menu for main window
In "Project" menu you have got three options:
- "About..." brings window with informations about program.
- "About MUI..." shows informations about author of MUI package.
- "Quit" exits from program without any requesters.
In "Folders" menu you have got five options:
- "Add folder..." adds new folder to folders list. Before this happened program shows new window with request to name for new folder and for directory name for this folder (please don't enter full path, but only directory name).
- "Edit folder..." shows window in which you must enter new name for selected folder. After confirmation of these changes name of directory and content of folder don't change. This functions don't work on three default folders.
- "Remove folder..." removes selected folder. After confirmation also directory specified to selected folder and all messages form this folder will be removed. This function don't work on three default folders.
- "Refresh folder index" generates new index for selected folder. This option is helpfull when last time your computer crashes and index hasn't generated properly.
- "Empty "Deleted" folder..." deletes all messages from "Deleted" folder.
In "Settings" menu you have got two options:
- "Program..." opens program settings window.
- "MUI..." opens MUI settings window.
 This is layout of edit messages window. In this window you will
wrote new messages and make modifications on old messages stored in
"Outgoing" folder.
Most imprtant field in edit window is of course editor. Marked with
number 1 on picture. In this field you will write message body, which
you sent later. It's nice to don't use national characters in
message body, because not all phones supports national characters, and
better don't send messages larger than 1000 characters. About length
of current message informs you small window marked with number 6.
At the top of the window was placed some important gatdgets. The
most important is text field marked with number 4. Right here you must
enter phone number to person to which you want to send message. It's
important to remember to give number in international format. This
format is: +xxyyyzzzzzz, where xx is nationality code in which lives
your receiver, yyy is code of cellular phone operator and zzzzzz is
phone number. For example to sent message to Poland to subscriber of
PlusGSM network you should enter: +48601 and after that enter phone
number of your receiver.
Next very important gadget is button marked with number 10.
Pressing this gadget opens phone book
window, in which you could select entered before phone number.
Using button marked with number 11 you can select one of the available
plugins. Thanks them your message will be sent to receiver. After
click on 11 button, program shows you list of available plugins, which
will be able to sent your message to specified phone number. Which
plugin select? I advice to select it by tries and errors method. In
text window marked with number 5 program informs you about name of
currently selected plugin amd also about number of available plugins
for specified phone number.
Text field marked with number 7 informs you about name of receiver
which number you entered. Name will be displayed only if given person
and his number was placed in phone book.
Text field marked with number 2 informs you about country of
entered phone number. If you click on button marked with number 8,
program opens list with all available countries. List of coutries is
divided to two columns: first contain country name, second - country
code. If you doubleclick (or press enter) on nane of any country,
their code will be inserted to field marked with number 4.
Text field marked with number 3 informs you about operator name, here
you should enter operator code. If you click on button marked with
number 9, program opens list of all availables cellular operators for
specified country. Content of this list will be changed in depend of
selected country. If you doubleclick on name of cellular operator,
country code with operator number will be inserted to field marked
with number 4.
You have got also 3 buttons at the bottom of the window. If you
click on "Send now" will saves message to
"Outgoing" folder and also program starts send message
process automatically. If sending message finish successfully, message
wil be moved to "Sent" folder.
If you click on "Send later" button causes that program
saves message to "Outgoing" folder and closes edit window.
You can send this message later (with others messages stored in
"Outgoing" folder) using "Send" button from main
If you click on "Cancel" button, program discard all changes
in edited message and closes edit window.
Menu for edit window
In "Message" menu you have got 3 options:
- "Clear" clears content of edit window.
- "Load from file..." opens file requester. Content of file will be loaded to edit window.
- "Insert from file..." opens file requester. Content of file will be inserted to edit window at the current cursor position. All earlier entries don't be erased.
In "Edit" menu you have got 7 options:
- "Cut" cuts marked text and copying it to system clipboard.
- "Copy" copying marked text to system clipboard.
- "Paste" pastes content of system clipboard to edit window at the current cursor position.
- "Undo" undos last changes in edit window.
- "Redo" this is opposite to "Undo" option.
- "To upper case" replaces all small letters to big ones in marked text.
- "To lower case" replaces all big letters to small ones in marked text.
 And this is phone book window. To make first entry to this phone
book you should click on "Add" button. In list marked with
number 3 new entry will be added. Next in field marked with number 1
please enter name and to field marked with number 2 their phone
number. Of course number must be in international format.
To removes entry from phone book please select entry from the list
(marked with number 3) and press "Remove" button.
If you doubleclick on any position on the list, program will enter
phone number of selected person to field marked with number 4 in edit window.
 This is "Personal" page of settings window.
"Name" - please fill this field with your full name.
"E-mail address" - please fill this field with your e-mail
address. This address will be used only to send bugreports to the
author of this software. This address will be used by author only to contact
with user which has occured bug. Any advertisements won't be sent to
address specified on this field, and this address won't be given to
any third persons.
"Signature" - to this field you should enter your
signature, which will be used by default to sign up your messages.
This signature will be pasted to the editor window when you starts to
write a new message. When checkmark marked with number 4 was
set - signature will be pasted to the editor window, if not -
signature won't be pasted.
"Disable banners?" - if you set this checkmark (marked with
number 5), program will stops downloading banners and hides banner
 And this is "Network" page of settings window.
"Proxy server" - this frame contains settings for
proxy server, please enter address of your proxy server to the field
marked with number 1, to field marked with number 2 please enter port
of your proxy server. If you set checkmark marked with number 3,
program will use specified proxy server to make all network
connections. If you haven't got any idea what the proxy server is,
please set this checkmark unset.
"Don't wait for server reply" - if you set
checkmark marked with number 4, program won't wait to response from
server. This option is useful when you have got very short time to send
many messages and you don't need confirmation about deliviery of those
messages. After set this checkmark, program will thinks that all sent
messages was deliviered.
 And this is "PlugIns" page of settings window.
"Plugin display priority" - this list is added to
set plugins priority. Using this list plugins will be sorted into list
in editor window. First plugin will be used as default one (if it
possible to send message by this plugin to the given number).
"Move up" i "Move down" - this buttons
is used to set position for selected plugin on the plugins priority
"ICQ plugin settings" - if you want to use ICQ
plugin you must fill these fields: "ICQ UIN" - to this field please enter
your UIN number which you using in StrICQ. If you don't use StrICQ,
and you want to use ICQ plugin, you must download StrICQ from Aminet
and register new user following by StrICQ documentation.
"ICQ password" - to this field please enter password
to your ICQ UIN.
 In this window program shows informations about sending message
process. When you are sending message an unknown error could be occured. In that
case program displays requester which asks you about sending bugreport
to the author. If you agreed for that, program sends the following
- TaskiSMS version
- first five digits from phone number on which this error has
occured (for example +48501). This information is needed to the
author only to identify country and cellular phone operator for
person to which you send message
- name of plugin used to sent this message
- length of message in characters
- report which program gets from server
- user e-mail address