3DWorld (8/19)

From:Michal Wozniak
Date:21 Aug 2001 at 17:36:02
Subject:[3DWorld] Voodoo compatibility and stuff


Does V3 can handle nonrectangular textures?

And one question about it's speed. Is it really
that much faster than Permedia? I'm asking because
recently I wrote a small intro that displays 20 spinning
additive fullscreen planes and it was SLOOOW (10fps?).
Is it going to be faster on V3? And How much?

BTW. Have anyone on this list (Frieden bros?) seen
my demo from ASM01? On permedia it was quite slow
in some parts (slower than in others;). How was is on V3?


// Michal "Kierownik" Wozniak
// e-mail: wozniak_m@interia.pl
// Graphics Programming

http://POCZTA.interia.pl/ - sa powody by korzystac!