Amiga-C (129/223)

From:Jesper Svennevid
Date:16 Aug 2001 at 17:27:59
Subject:RE: [amiga-c] Leeking, Deeking and Peeking

> If I had the following
> mem = AllocMem(2000, MEMF_CLEAR | MEMF_PUBLIC);
> lock = Open("Ram:test", MODE_OLDFILE);
> Read(lock, mem, 2000);
> How do i read mem+20 as LONG, WORD and BYTE ??
> ie: num = Leek(mem + 20) etc

BYTE* mem_byte = mem;
WORD* mem_word = mem;
LONG* mem_long = mem;

mem_byte[20] will be mem+20
mem_word[10] will be mem+20, as words are 2 bytes in size
mem_long[5] will be mem+20, as longs are 4 bytes in size

// Jesper Svennevid :

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