Amiga-C (13/223)

From:Lee Procter
Date:10 Aug 2001 at 12:15:01
Subject:Re: [amiga-c] "transparent" colors

<table width="500"><tr><td><font size="" style="" color="">

--- "David McMinn" <>
> wrote:
>--- In amiga-c@y..., Marcin Kielesi=F1ski &lt;misterq@c...&gt; wrote:<BR>
>&gt; &quot;PDTA_MaskPlane (PLANEPTR) -- Pointer to a bit plane suitable for=
> <BR>
>&gt; use&nbsp; with BltMaskBitMapRastPort(), or NULL if the picture has no<=
>&gt; transparent colours.&quot;<BR>
>&gt; My question is: what is a &quot;transparent&quot; colour?<BR>
>It depends on the image format I guess. ILBM's usually have colour 0
>as a transparent colour, so you'd get a mask which would only allow
>pixels with a non-zero palette index to pass through. I think you can
>set it to be any specific palette index with GIF's, so you'd get a
>mask which allows any other pixel to pass through. PNG is similar I

So how would you select which color is transparent, do you choose the colour index in hex, does it matter if it is 0x0C0 for a direct copy or does it need to be "inverted" or something? Sorry for the basic question but Datatypes are giving be a headache!

Lee Procter

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