Amiga-C (143/223)

Date:17 Aug 2001 at 10:11:29
Subject:[amiga-c] A bit confused!!!

Hello all :)
Sorry to bother you all again, I have managed to get gcc to work at long last :)
I am a little confused thou at the output, I successfully compiled the infamous Hello World Program and all worked and produced Hello file and it all worked fine :)

When I checked the file size it was 7534 Bytes or there abouts, this seems a little large considering the program I know this is only about 7K but is this right? I then used the -noixemul option and that worked fine, but file size want up to 14538 bytes, even larger, I thought this would have been smaller as it doesn't use the ixemul library, I know it says in docs to use ixemul for porting unix progs and libnix for Ami stuff.
Both files work and run fine any idea?

Machine Amiga A1200 Apollo 1240/40 25Mhz 16MB Ram gcc 2.95.1

Thanks in advance

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