Amiga-C (195/223)

Date:27 Aug 2001 at 07:18:29
Subject:[amiga-c] Re: Saving and reading structs

Czesc Jack!

Dnia 26-Aug-01, Jack York napisa�:

> I knew that there was a dos imposed limit of 255 + 1 for absolute paths but
> I thought there wasn't one for relative paths. I'll have to play around
> with this when I have some spare time.

When DOS talks to file system, it uses absolute paths only... File system
recives BSTR as dospacket->dp_Arg2 for ACTION_LOCATE_OBJECT
(dos.library/Lock() function)...


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Amiga 1200
Apollo 1240/33 MHz, 18 MB RAM, BTC 33.6 bps
HDD 3.2 GB, HDD 520 MB, CD x12

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