Amiga-C (215/223)

Date:30 Aug 2001 at 21:03:11
Subject:[amiga-c] Re: MUI Listview position

Czesc Donald!

Dnia 29-Aug-01, Donald W Millican napisa�:

> char *item;
> int choices_setting = 0;
> get(list,MUIA_List_Active,&item);
> choices_setting = atoi(*item); // I'm not sure about this line
> Can anyone help?

MUIA_List_Active return the number of active entry, not the pointer to item!
If you used MUIA_List_ConstructHook, MUIV_List_ConstructHook_String in
MUI_NewObjectA(), to obtain string with active entry you can write f.e.:

ULONG entry = xget( list, MUIA_List_Active );
STRPTR string = NULL;
DoMethod( list, MUIM_List_GetEntry, entry, &string );

or (simpler and faster):

DoMethod( list, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &string );


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Amiga 1200
Apollo 1240/33 MHz, 18 MB RAM, BTC 33.6 bps
HDD 3.2 GB, HDD 520 MB, CD x12

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