Amiga-C (46/223)

Date:11 Aug 2001 at 02:16:38
Subject:[amiga-c] Allocating FileInfoBlock (Re: ExamineFH)

Czesc Alexander!

Dnia 10-Aug-01, Alexander Niven-Jenkins napisa�:

> Firstly you need to allocate the memory for "fibb" as you have just
> declared a pointer; secondly most of the OS dos routines need aligned data
> so you need to allocate it with something like AllocVec(). See a quick
> example below.

All exec.library memory allocation functions are returning at least 4 byte
aligned memory, so you can use AllocMem() as well.

If you're allocating FileInfoBlock structure you should use AllocDosObject(
DOS_FIB, NULL ); and free it using FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib ); instead of
AllocMem()/AllocVec() or anything else...

Twelvebullets remember, when you're allocating resources you HAVE TO check
return value! It's VERY bad if you're not doing it even in test/example


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Amiga 1200
Apollo 1240/33 MHz, 18 MB RAM, BTC 33.6 bps
HDD 3.2 GB, HDD 520 MB, CD x12

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