AmigaActive (1092/1286)

Date:27 Aug 2001 at 16:46:57
Subject:The Computer Gamer's "Mans Problem"

Hi all!

Today I'd like to briefly mention about the 'mans problem' equivalent
in computer gaming. I have checked, and it's not only me who is
affected. I'd like responses to this problem, known as

The phobia is effectively this:- when playing a first-person shooter,
do you tend to get completely poo-scared when facing that evil shrak-
gunner-killer-whatever for the third time, having died brutally with
tension the previous two times?

Or perhaps turning that corner for the first time only to be
mercilessly decapitated by an eight headed snake wielding, Lord knows
how, a sword?

OK, it's not like I refrain from playing these games and hide under
the bed covers at night, but these tend to give me unnecessary bursts
of ardrenalin.

Professor Mark Dowling

PS. Aliens are the worst type of scum to come across. in gaming,
obviously. In real life they're quite nice.

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