AmigaActive (1101/1286)

From:John Reed
Date:27 Aug 2001 at 21:00:43
Subject:Re: Scandoubler/flickerfixer and SVGA

Hi, David McMinn said :

> > 1. Which is better - an internal or external ff/sd? I'm a bit
> > worried that an internal won't fit into my desktop A1200, cos theres
> > already a hard drive, 1240 accelerator, hyperCOM1 crammed in there.
> > Where do they connect to the A1200?
> It depends. Internal ones are supposed to give better picture quality,
> but generate quite a bit of heat. Externals ones stick out the back a
> fair bit, which can be a PITA.

I concur. I have only an internal s/d fitted. It was housed in a
desktop and gave a lot of probs (screen tearing etc.) due to heat
(it's own generated heat + HD etc.). I've since rehoused everything in
a P/Tower and picture is now rock steady. Int. & Ext. versions both
extend a bit at the back so you have to allow about 10cm clearance.

> Internal ones connect directly over the graphics chip, which IIRC is
> the chip directly towards the front of the motherboard from the HDD,
> and also have a ribbon connector to a short stub which connects to
> the AmigaRGB port on the back and gives you the 15 pin SVGA connector.
> So it should fit in with all the rest of stuff you have, although I'd
> be a bit wary of all the heat your machine will be creating,
> especially for a desktop.

If your HD is 2.5" and is in a HD cradle, you may not be able to fit
the Int. version. When I had my desktop, I got away with s/d,
P/Flyer, CD-ROM cable and a 3.5" HD all packed together. Not the
best arrangement and you have to be neat - but it all worked.
HEAT problem - see above.

> > 2. Can I use any SVGA monitor? I'm thinking of buying 2nd hand, so I
> > can save my pennies for an AmigaONE. What are the best makes of
> > monitor to get?
> You can use any as long as they are capable of displaying screens as
> low as 31kHz horizontal and 50Hz vertical.
> I've got a Hansol 710P and it's quite a nice monitor, good display and
> good control over the screen, works fine with my sd/ff (and
> everything else). Ilyama monitors are good too (from what I've heard
> on this list :).
> If you are going to use it with an AmigaOne, chances are you'll have a
> graphics card sometime in the future. You should go for at least a 17"
> monitor. You'll also be wanting something which is capable of high
> vertical refresh rates at high resolutions (well, for the future
> anyway).

> > 3. What does the pitch of the monitor mean?
> It's the minimum size of the pixel on the screen. For example, 0.28"
> is probably the most common you'll see (especially on cheap-o
> monitors) and means a pixel can be as small as 0.28 inches. The
> smaller the better.

I use a cheapo 14" Multiscan for now and it's far better than TV. Will
be looking to at least 17"/0.25mm dot for the future.

> > 4. In addition to the monitors main connection, do the monitor's
> > speakers have to connect to the Audio connectors on the A1200, in
> > order to get sound?
> Yes, if your monitor has speakers, but most standard SVGA types don't.
> Chances are the monitor speakers would be crap anyway. Best to connect
> the Amiga audio to a hifi if you can.

I also invested in a cheap self-powered pair of Creative speakers.
They plug in directly to the audio at the rear of the A1200. Not as
good as the HiFi but that's in another room anyway.

Hope this helps.

Regards, John Reed

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