AmigaActive (1108/1286)

From:Jonathan Day
Date:28 Aug 2001 at 00:57:41
Subject:Re: Digest Number 1891, already?

Hi Patrice

> Took me some time to decide if I replied or not... I will, now that I've
> cooled down a little ( phew! stifling weather here... and I must warn
> you I'm in a depressive state just in case... ;)

I wish we had some decent weather ;-(

> > Jon. Fed up with all the Elbox bashing.
> You have a right to feel that way... and some of us may have a right
> to be fed up with the current fashion that bans any criticism and even
> questions which might offend "them" - I mean companies, not the people
> who designed the products, of course! See the difference? If you can't,
> get yourself an old 1.x kickstart disk and read inside, old Amigans will
> understand and once;)

That final comment in my post was added last minute, it was not
intentionally meant to sound like a dig at you personally, more a general
statement from comments read elsewhere. However it probably did come across
that way.

It annoys me the way *some* people pounce on Elbox at every possible
opportunity, even when there is no cause. I agree that Elbox do deserve some
criticism for certain decisions etc. in their history, but not *all* the
rubbish they do get.

> Now the thing is your opinion - even respectable - doesn't entitle you
> to cheat with quotations :
> >>> Mine wasn't supplied with any software as far as I can remember
> Please count chevrons or read the mail properly : I never wrote that,
> Gaz did. I BOUGHT the Elbox interface from Power ( order 1191377 taken
> by Sam, eh! ;))) it came with a floppy and what you call a "manual" (
> a single-sheet printout that repeats part of the docs ) .

My apologies! I had just finished reading some posts on another list and the
"get at Elbox" sentiment from a handfull of people was fresh in my mind.
(Although order taken by Sam means nothing: my order on Friday was
apparently taken by Sam, but it was definitely Tony) ;-)

> As you said, the prefs prog sends a humorous message everytime you
> try to use it : " your drives could work much faster, you need PowerFlyer
> Fast-AT/EIDE Controller!" ( ahem! £50 for a "better" software, why should
> I trust them after such a "friendly" welcome? ;)

It might be a little annoying having to click another button, but TBH I dont
mind. A Flyer makes so much difference and the market for Amiga specific
stuff is so small that I think Elbox would be silly *not* to do it.
Besides, once you get your system configured, there's no need to use the
prefs program, and therefore you stop seeing that message.

> Sorry, I'm used to "thank you for purchasing...", this is the first
one I've
> seen which shouts "hey, sucker, I'm obsolete, why do you even try to
> use me!?"

Admittedly it's different, but Elbox do need to make some money. I
personally didn't see it at rude, merely advertising. Besides, it *is* very
obsolete ;-)

> - with very clear and readable fonts, whereas the rest is
> completely scrambled if you use anything else than topaz-8.

The prefs screen has a lot of info on it, but it's clear and fits fine with
the standard font. I'm suprised your system has changed the fonts before the
interface driver is run. Maybe you had problems because you werent running
the driver in the right place in the startup-sequence...

> Boot from
> your HD it says, and then hangs up half of the time - which is apparently
> the best thing it can do if you don't want to lose all your data ;)

Oh dear, you really had problems with it didn't you? :-(

> Maybe young tecchy folks have a new ethic that forces them to respect
> and support all profit-makers in case their talents might be hired some
> day - just a generalisation, Jon, I don't know who you are and never care
> about who's who on a list

I wish I was a techy type ;-)

> , assuming we're equal as far as discussion is
> concerned - but we oldsters keep a different sense of politeness that
> includes a little respect for customers, and insists on promises to be
> held - not withdrawn by casuistic arguments as they were for the
> but that's another story... ;)

indeed it is, unfortunately ;-(

> Anyway I'm glad EIDE works for you, I suppose it does as long as one
> installs it once and for all and never adds anything to his system...

Thanks! Maybe I'm just lucky: since setting up, I've added and re-organised
harddrives, including one 17gb drive, and added a CD burner this weekend.
Okay so far...

> please don't give me any temptation to try again, I've only got one life
> ( most of it already behind, but still looking forward, eh Neil? ;)


> P.S. and I'll state being French as another excuse, will AA ever be
> available in this Amiga-forgotten country? ;)

Subscribe! <!--- So Neil/David doesn't have to say it ;-)
or, to paraphrase Elbox: "Your Amiga experience could be so much better, you
need Amigactive magazine!" ;-)

Jon, hope you didn't take offense Patrice.

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