AmigaActive (133/1286)

From:Jim Cadwallader
Date:2 Aug 2001 at 21:11:23
Subject:Re: Amiga Inc's AmiWest Statement is here....

Hello Neil

On 03-Aug-01, you wrote:

> That only rules out the bPlan.

Which still leaves me wondering about the Merlancia boxes; from their
website: "Operating system choices will include AmigaOS, AmigaDE, BeOS,
LINUX, QNX and others. MacOS compatibility is currently being

AmigaOS ?.??, Amithlon x86? Bearing in mind that "final release" is stated
Nov/Dec 2001.

BTW I think someone should tell them about that keyboard. Remember the
Jupiter Ace? You will. 8-)

Best keyboard I ever tasted was the Memotech, very solid, not clunkey or
clickety with a subtly cushioned impact. Worst: QL, Enterprise.


/// /A1200|040|40,34Mb,2.1HD,OS3.9,Squirrel CD,56k modem/
\\/// *AMIGA - So The World May Know*

Avon: Death is something that he and I faced together on a number of
occasions. I always thought that his death
and mine might be linked in some way. (on Blake)

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