AmigaActive (158/1286)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:3 Aug 2001 at 13:30:35
Subject:Re: Amiga Inc's AmiWest Statement is here....

Alan Buxey said,

>> There's more to this than someone coming up with a neat x86 emulator.
>> That's been done before, with varying degrees of success. What is
>> significant about Amithlon is that it has been adopted by Amiga.

> Amiga Forever?

That's licensed by Amiga, so it can include the ROMS, but it's not sold
by Amiga as an Amiga product. Amithlon will be sold by Amiga as "Amiga
OS for X86" or words to that effect.

>> On Sunday, Bill announced it would be released on November 1st, a slip
>> of several weeks from the previous statements by Eyetech. I'm surprised
>> that received less comment, although Eyetech have now stated it won't be
>> that late and they are sticking to their previous estimates.

> ..exactly. so WHO do we now believe? The *official* Amiga release of info
> or the word from the *makers* of the board??

Or the statement on the web site, which contradicts neither.

> a PR disaster is a more apt description of the past w/e

I wish Amiga would write their releases before announcements are made,
and put them on the web site immediately after. That way people could
bitch and whine about black and white statements, instead of bitching
and whining about what they thought they heard said on a crackly MP3.



Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine

The Japanese call us lazy, but at least we cook our fish!

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