AmigaActive (192/1286)

From:Chris Green
Date:3 Aug 2001 at 23:17:35
Subject:Re: Amiga Inc's AmiWest Statement is here.... (Grundig)

> I heard Grundig mentioned in the Keynote speach, if I am not
> mistaken isn't Grundig the manufacturer (sp?) of the Sky+ set top box?

You ARE mistaken - the Sky+ box is being manufactured by Pace, and its
system software was devoped by Open TV (a californiant software company
specialising in set-top-box operating systems for the cable and satellite
industry), News Datasystems, which is a division of News Corporation (Rupert
Murdoch's media company that owns 37.5% of BSkyB) and Thomson Digital Media
in France.

In addition, Grundig itself hardly make anything anymore (it's been run into
the ground ever since Philips bought into it). The name is licenced to a
number of companies, including Dixons, which use it to rebadge generic
electrical goods bought in from third party manufacturers. This accounts for
the vast majority of so-called 'Grundig' goods sold today - including the
current line of Grundig Sky (not Sky+) receivers.

> Could this mean that Sky+ owners may find themselves owning Amiga
> enable STB's in just a few short weeks?

Thankfully - no it won't!

Chris Green

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