AmigaActive (235/1286)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:5 Aug 2001 at 12:12:14
Subject:Re: Digital Camera

Hello Stuart,

On 05-Aug-01, you wrote:

>> You may be better off looking at a PCMCIA card reader for your
>> Amiga, rahter than specific software. Eyetech do one, and there are
>> others about.

> Bear in mind that at the moment, the Eyetech EZCam only works with
> Memory Sticks, as it is still in development.

I'm suprised at that - I thought it fully enabled the A1200 PCMCIA
port, so that it could use any PCMCIA adaptor. I know the AA review
only tested Memory Stick with the device, so I went to Eyetechs site
to check it out - it apparently isn't there, or at least, I couldn't
find it via the search engine or products page.

The PCMCIA card reader I use is a SCSI device, attached to the
external port of an Oktagon 2008 via a scanner/hd/card reader chain,
and works flawlessly, on a par with downloading the pics using the USB
port of my P3 Notebook.


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

What do you mean my birth certificate has expired?

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