AmigaActive (282/1286)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:6 Aug 2001 at 13:02:28
Subject:Necromancy, or what?

Hello all,

on 28 June this year my clock battery on the Apollo board packed up.

On 3 August this year, it spontaneuosly started working again.

In between, I'd checked it was connected OK etc., and eventually gave up.

Weird, eh?

All the best

//Amiga 1200, '060/50, OS3.9, EZ-Tower, Dopus,
// PC Keyboard W EZ-Key, 56K modem, 2+32 Meg,
\\ // NEC 2A Multisync, Logic 3 SpeedMouse, HPDJ610C,
\\/ Sega Controller, & no hair.

Good luck, Captain. I think you are about to go where everyone has gone before.
-- Ivanova

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