AmigaActive (303/1286)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:6 Aug 2001 at 18:31:03
Subject:Re: '.cur' files used with AmigAmp.

Hello Nicholaus,
On Monday, August 06, 2001 at 6:43:25 PM, you wrote:

> What the hell are .cur files? When you download a skin from WinAmp you get

Windows cursor files, they change the appearance of the mouse pointer in

> these files but I cannot seem to find a datatype for them. And how do I
> view them or edit/convert them?

I don't know if its possible.

> The result is that AmigaAmp won't load the full skin and I get graphics
> trashing or a crash :-(

Just delete them, they're not required.

> So which datatype do I need?

I'm not sure there is one, but there might be. I'm sure someone else will
reply with details of one, if there is.


Gareth Griffiths -- --
Computers must run on smoke! They stop when it leaks out!

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