AmigaActive (402/1286)

Date:10 Aug 2001 at 01:22:50
Subject:Re: More SCSI woes

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 00:19:23 +0100 you talked about...

>>>NB You should see three adjacent pin pairs marked 1, 2 and 4. Jumper the
>>>NB ones that add up to the ID you want. e.g for ID 3, close the first
>>They are marked 0,1 & 2. Do I take it they 0=1, 1=2 & 2=3?
>>All the best
>Nope, its binary.
>0 = +1
>1 = +2
>2 = +4
>So jumpers 0 1 2 would be set like this for these IDs:
> 0 1 2
>0 _ _ _
>1 x _ _
>2 _ x _
>3 x x _
>4 _ _ x
>5 x _ x
>6 _ x x
>7 x x x
don't use ID No. 7 as it usual use for the scsi controller


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